Stay the course
At AKW we help our clients think differently about investing.
We believe that it is the role of an adviser to set realistic expectations that fit your investing time frame and risk tolerance, empowering you to ‘stay the course’ during inevitable periods of market fluctuation and reach your financial goals sooner.
Markets throughout the world have a history of rewarding investors for the capital they supply. Companies compete for investment capital, and millions of investors compete to find the most attractive returns. Markets quickly incorporate information from this competition into security prices.
Traditional investment approaches strive to beat the market by taking advantage of perceived pricing “mistakes” and attempting to predict the future. Too often, these approaches prove costly and futile. Predictions go awry and managers may hold the wrong securities at the wrong time, missing the strong returns that markets can provide.
From our own experience and through learnings from many academic research papers we know that these emotional and undisciplined behaviours have poor long-term outcomes. It results in most investors not getting the returns they are entitled to from markets. At AKW, we often refer to the SPIVA study that shows that the vast majority of Fund Managers fail to beat their respective benchmarks in the short and long term.
“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.”
— Warren Buffet, Berkshire Hathaway
Why is this a surprise to so many people?
Well, the multi-billion financial services industry aided and abetted by the media, creates distractions that prevent investors from achieving their objectives. “Market noise” focuses attention on the relatively unimportant issues of market timing, stock picking and attempts to predict the future. There is a misplaced belief that better forecasting is the value-add of an advice business.
At AKW, we believe that it is the role of an adviser to set expectations realistically and to ensure the investor is empowered to ‘stay the course’ during inevitable periods of market fluctuation.
Far more money has been lost trying to anticipate and protect from corrections than has been lost in the corrections themselves.
— Peter Lynch, Fund Manager

We use evidence to build portfolios.
We understand the importance of discipline, and removing emotion, guesswork and speculation from the process.
Our ongoing service is built on enhancing the relationship between the Adviser and the client, with the aim to cultivate a long-term loyal partnership with our clients.
The stock market is a giant distraction from the business of investing.
— John C. Bogle, Founder of Vanguard