Robert Fry
A great team player with AKW since 2011, Rob has valued experience within audit and superannuation, whilst specialising in tax planning for our clients.
As a CSU graduate, Rob was admitted into the Institute of Chartered Accountants in 2016. In particular he enjoys focusing on complex areas within the tax environment and with a passion for the region, Rob loves helping local businesses and organisations navigate financial hurdles and thrive in their own right.
Actively involved in the local community as a member of South Wagga APEX, treasurer for the Riverina Ag Network, the Wagga City Wanderers football club, and on the Board of the Riverina Conservatorium of Music, Rob is also kept busy with his family, friends and sports teams. Outside of work Rob enjoys spending time exploring the region with his wife and his daughter and can still be found on the football pitch every Sunday.
I find great satisfaction in talking with people, getting to know their businesses and background and finding solutions that work for them.
When did you start working at AKW?
I started at AKW in June 2011 working in the audit team.
You are a keen bike rider. On a typical week, how many rides do you embark on, what’s your favourite location, and how long is the typical ride?
Not as much as most cyclists! I try to fit bike riding around football season so my ride times vary. I recently rode the Gears and Beers Dirty 130 which was a very challenging but brilliant day out and really showed off the Riverina countryside.
You also enjoy playing Football and it’s well known that you are a goalkeeper. What is your greatest save?
I don’t know about the greatest save but my proudest moment was in 2020 when I captained the Wagga City Wanderers to a grand final win. We won via a penalty shootout in a 3 hour epic and I still seek it out on YouTube given half a chance.
If you could spend the day with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
At the risk of sounding corny, days out with my daughter and wife are right at the top of the list and I am lucky enough we get to do this most weekends. Whether riding bikes, watching local football or exploring new places I could not think of anything better.
What do you enjoy most about working at AKW?
It has to be the people I work with day to day, whether that is clients or colleagues. I find great satisfaction in talking with people, getting to know their businesses and background and finding solutions that work for them.